strive to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion at all levels of education for the engineering profession. Learn more about our diversity-related activities below.

ASEE & SEFI Joint Statement on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
ASEE and the European Society for Engineering Education issue a statement committing the organizations to increasing the participation, inclusion, and empowerment of minoritized individuals in all venues where engineering is...

ASEE Statement on Diversity and Inclusiveness
ASEE believes that diversity and inclusiveness is essential to enriching educational experiences and innovations that drive the development of creative solutions in addressing the world's challenges...

Commission on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
ASEE envisions widespread, inclusive, and equitable environments that embrace differences and leverage diversity for a better tomorrow...

LGBTQ+ Advocacy in STEM
ASEE promotes LGBTQ+ inclusion through Safe Zone Ally Training workshops and an active Virtual Community of Practice...

ASEE Diversity Recognition Program
ADRP publicly recognizes engineering and engineering technology colleges that make significant, measurable progress in increasing the diversity, inclusion, and degree attainment outcomes of their programs...

Deans Diversity Initiative
The nation’s engineering deans commit to diversifying their faculty ranks and student body, and to making widespread cultural changes....

Women in Engineering Division
WIED studies promotes and improves the role of women in engineering through data collection, publications, presentations, and appropriate sponsorships...

ASEE Engineering Deans Gender Equity Initiative
EDGE provides tools, strategies, and resources to support deans in identifying and removing barriers impeding recruitment, retention and advancement of diverse women in engineering higher education...

Minorities in Engineering Division
MIND focuses on programs that: improve preparation, recruitment, and retention of diverse students; increase the number of minority STEM faculty members; and increase diversity in the STEM workforce....

The Military and Veterans Division
MVD aids active duty military engineers, as well as users of their engineering services and military veterans, who are pursuing pathways into engineering and engineering technology careers...