
Learn about our committees, and teams, and how to volunteer for a work group. We are also actively seeking leaders!

2024 Annual Conference

See our lineup of great events planned at the 2024 Annual Conference in Portland here.

Call for Proposals

Submit a proposal for our ongoing virtual workshop series here.

Engaging a Community in Diversity, Advocacy, and Inclusive Practices

ASEE envisions widespread, inclusive, and equitable environments in engineering, academia, and industry that embrace individual differences and leverage diversity for a better engineered tomorrow.

Our Mission
To increase visibility and discussion of diversity issues.
To help develop inclusive and pervasive environments for all engineers to thrive.
To facilitate and encourage use of translatable strategies that enable both bottom up and top down empowerment.

The Commission on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion began in 2009 as the Taskforce on Diversity charged with creating an action-oriented strategic plan of activities and systemic policies ASEE could do to increase diversity in Engineering. Since then, the Commission has engaged members and supported the ASEE Board to address equity and inclusivity within our organization and engineering education.

What’s the difference between an ASEE Division and Commission ?

What’s the difference between an American Society for Engineering Education Division and Commission?

Divisions connect members by professional interests. Commissions connect all of ASEE in service of ASEE priorities.

American Society for Engineering Education consists of 55* member divisions. While only 1 division focuses on pre-college, and 3 divisions focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion, ASEE wants all divisions to strive to advance DEI and pre-college engineering education.

To facilitate this emphasis, ASEE created two commissions.

  1. Commission on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  2. Commission on P-12 Engineering Education

Commissions work across and with all ASEE units and partners.

Commissions are open to everyone to participate.

Commissions support ASEE’s strategies and priorities by activating the vast network that is all of ASEE.

All 55-member divisions should have a representative on each commission.

Commission Chairs

Dr. Christina Alston

Chair elect
  • mp@engineerinclusion.com
  • 512-739-0774
  • Orange, Texas

Dr. Homero Murzi

Past Chair
Champions of Diversity

We live in a country built on a foundation of colonialism and oppression. At national and local levels, our systems, institutions, and policies maintain many of the early inequities. There is always MORE to be done to eliminate racism, sexism, ableism, among other ism’s. It is important work. It will take all of us working together.

CDEI has compiled suggestions for actions for YOU based on where you are in your allyship and anti-racist work. We also suggest you read the “ASEE-SEFI Joint Statement on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: A Call and Pledge to Action,” approved in March, 2020 and released April 27, 2020. Then review the provided suggestions and programs, and find an opportunity appropriate for your personal development or point-of-action, or propose, create, and commit to a new one.

As a Commission, we will continue to advocate and act for positive change and sustained action addressing the inequities we see in ASEE, in engineering education, and in our local, national, and international communities. We call on the Board to listen to members, to examine ASEE’s organizational policies, practices, and processes, to implement a climate survey, and to work with us as we collectively address these issues.


The Commission on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion reports on its progress and impact twice a year. Check out the reports below for the progress made by the Commission on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion over the years.


The ASEE Commission on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion currently manages two awards: The ASEE Best Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Paper Award and the ASEE Constituent Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Award.