Award Description
During the fifth anniversary of the Year of Action on Diversity, we saw groups within ASEE extend their work to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within our society and within engineering and engineering technology education. With this award, we want to recognize these actions and honor the best of these accomplishments. This award recognizes the actions of an ASEE constituent group who can show measurable accomplishments in 1) making the Society more inclusive of members from historically marginalized groups and/or 2) addressing issues of diversity, equity & inclusion within their constituency and/or the broader engineering and engineering technology education community. In particular, we recognize constituents that are furthering the strategic goals of the Commission. An ASEE constituent group is defined broadly and includes, but is not limited to, ASEE Divisions, Councils, Zones, Regions, Committees, and ad hoc groups (not individuals).
Along with recognition of constituents that are supporting the overall goals of the commission, the nominations will provide examples of best practices across the Society that will be highlighted and shared across the engineering and engineering technology education community.
An ASEE constituent is defined broadly and includes, but is not limited to, ASEE Divisions, Councils, Zones, Regions, Committees, and ad hoc groups (not individuals). These are all eligible to receive the award.
Nomination Materials
Materials required for the nomination will be a description of activities completed by the constituent group, including:
- self-described metrics that show impact on increasing diversity, equity, and/or inclusion within their constituency;
- actions taken that contributed to that growth; and
- a strategic plan or steps for continued improvement within the constituency.
Described activities should have taken place five or fewer years from time of application.
The application can include up to five letters of support from constituents addressing how their personal/professional, societal (ASEE), or institutional experience has been affected by the actions of the ASEE constituent group.
Finalists will be asked to submit a 3-6 minute video (low production costs expected and paid for by the constituent group) that highlights their activities and participation. This could be a voiced-over power point, or include snippets of member activities with text overlay or voice-over description of the impact. The format of the video is left to the discretion of the constituent. All finalist videos will be posted on the CDEI Youtube channel, linked from this website, and made available to ASEE TV for screening during the Annual Conference.
Award Selection Process
Nominations will be assessed based on the following criteria. All nominations will be submitted through the regular ASEE award nomination process found at https://www.asee.org/member-resources/awards. The nomination period is usually from mid-November through mid-January, but constituents are encouraged to begin developing nomination materials during the Annual Conference, regional/zone conferences, or whenever the constituent group is meeting. The rubric can be found here.
Evaluation Criteria
Show measurable accomplishments in 1) making ASEE more inclusive of members from historically marginalized groups and/or 2) addressing issues of diversity, equity & inclusion within their constituency and/or the broader engineering education community.
- Does the nomination provide evidence that demonstrates how the project or program is achieving tangible results?
- Has the nominee used innovative approaches, which have resulted in a step up from business as usual and delivered real benefits to their constituency?
- Has the nominee made an impact beyond their specific constituency?
A description of activities completed by the constituent group including self-described metrics that address the affected community and actions.
- Cite examples of how the constituency demonstrates behavior that aligns with the CDEI’s strategic goals.
- Cite specific examples of constituency commitment, leadership, behavior, and positive interactions.
- Describe how ASEE has benefited from the constituency work, include specific examples, feedback, quotes, and other evidence.
- Does the nomination clearly state how the constituency demonstrates a commitment to the spirit of diversity, equity, and inclusion?
A strategic plan for continued improvement in the realm of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
- Does the constituency have a plan for continuous improvement related to their actions? If so, describe how success will be measured.
- Will the initiative/practice described leave a lasting legacy and can it be replicated across the Society?
For Finalists, a video highlighting activities and impact
- The video rubric can be found here.
- Does the constituent representative(s) present a compelling example of an activity, action, process or change that could be adopted by other ASEE constituents?
Letters of support from affected constituents addressing how their personal/professional, societal (ASEE), or institutional experience has been affected by the actions of the division, council, zone or region.
- Does the evidence provided in the letter(s) of support for the nomination augment the application?
- How broad is the range of letter writers supporting the nomination? Does it indicate breadth of impact?
Frequency of Award
Review of nomination materials will be completed by March 15. A set of 3-6 finalists will be announced, with the expectation that a brief video highlighting activities and results will be submitted before the Annual Conference. The videos will be evaluated by the award selection committee and the scores will be added to the scores from their submissions.
The award will be announced by the Commission on Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion at the end of the Annual Conference, after the finalist videos are reviewed. The plaque will be awarded during the following Annual Conference during the constituent’s business meeting or equivalent.