2020 Best Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Paper Award
The ASEE Best Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Paper Award strives to enhance the visibility and sustainment of actions in support of diversity and engineering, which is empowering society in unprecedented ways. The ASEE Statement on Diversity and Inclusiveness states that diversity and inclusiveness are essential to enriching educational experiences and innovations that drive the development of creative solutions in addressing the world’s challenges. Thus, the Best DEI Paper Competition seeks to identify highly impactful efforts by ASEE authors that broaden participation in engineering and influence the inclusive, diverse future of engineering.
In this blog post, we want to take the time to congratulate the 2020 award winners and encourage your ASEE division to submit a nomination for next year.
Congratulations to ASEE 2020 Best Diversity Equity & Inclusion Paper Award Winner
There were seven finalists for the best Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Paper award presented at the 2020 conference and were judged by a team of evaluators. The best paper was awarded to An Exploratory Study of Intentionality towards Diversity in STEM Faculty Hiring (Research) by Samara Rose Boyle (linkedIn), Canek Phillips, Yvette E. Pearson, Reginald DesRoches, Stephen Mattingly, Anne Nordberg, Wei Wayne Li, and Hanadi S. Rifai.

2020 Best Diversity Equity and Inclusion Paper Award
The paper investigates the relationship between the intentionality towards diversity and inclusion in faculty job postings and corresponding faculty demographics at several US institutions of higher education. Specifically, the paper addresses how diversity and inclusion are addressed, implicitly and explicitly, in job posting evaluations and how intentionality towards diversity and inclusion in job postings vary by the type of position being advertised. The study found that a general lack of intentionality in the recruitment of underrepresented minorities underscores the gap between highlighting underrepresentation as a problem at a national level and actions being taken at a department level.
Nominations for 2021 Best Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Paper Competition
The Best Diversity Paper Competition seeks to identify highly impactful efforts by ASEE authors that broaden participation in engineering and influence the inclusive, diverse future of engineering. Diversity dimensions addressed can include (but are not limited to): age, belief system, disability status, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, race, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, and any other visible or non-visible differences.
This one-page guide provides guidance on what to look for in a good diversity, equity, and inclusion paper. CDEI hosted a virtual workshop on “Diversity Papers: Tips and Guidelines for Authors and Evaluators”. In addition to this workshop, a rubric for this award is available on the website above. We believe that authors can benefit from this information as they prepare papers and proposals.
How to nominate papers from the ASEE Annual Conference
Individual reviewers are asked to nominate papers they review for the Best Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Paper Competition. Outstanding manuscripts that address any aspect of Diversity (see statement) may be nominated via the pull-down menu in the review window. This is encouraged at the draft stage, but will remain available at the final paper stage. The reviewers are asked to justify the basis for their nomination in their comments to the chair. Program chairs will compile the nominations for their division; each division has the latitude to select the best nomination from the division and forward it to the ASEE Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
Final thoughts…
- The Best Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Paper is a completely separate process from the Best Paper selection process run by the PIC chairs at the Annual Conference (not focused on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion). A division/section/zone may identify two separate papers for these entirely independent best paper competitions.
- Work with your ASEE division, section, zone, or other constituent groups to nominate your group for the new ASEE Constituent Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award. Divisions, Sections, and Zones are encouraged to submit a nomination for the ASEE Constituent DEI Award. This award recognizes the actions of an ASEE constituent group who can show measurable accomplishments in 1) making the Society more inclusive of members from historically marginalized groups and/or 2) addressing issues of diversity, equity & inclusion within their constituency and/or the broader engineering education community.